Revival 1/20 1935 Alfa Romeo P3

The Revival Model Company is best known for their beautiful metal-bodied kits. While beautiful, with brass detail parts and hand-laced wire wheels, their kits come with a hefty price tag; some run $200/$300.
However, Revival realized that there was an untapped market and began to produce some of their kits in plastic. They come with some of the detail parts, but do not include the wire wheels. Prices generally run in the $70/$100 range.

This P3 is one of their plastic kits. It has an incredible amount of detail for a plastic kit. The molding is crisp, but some of the parts have flash. Building it is straight forward and fit is no worse the other short run kits. The only problem I had was with the hood side panels. They wouldn't fit closed so I had to leave them open.